Safety Rules:
- All flyers must have a current AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) card.
- All flyers must comply with both the TIMPA Field Safety Rules and the most recent Official AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code (both General and Radio Control) at all times.
- Except for take off and landing, all flying must be north of the far edge of the runway. This includes helicopter and 3D flight.
- Any flying behind the Safety Line (the south edge of the runway), either intentional or unintentional, is strictly prohibited and may result in loss of flying privileges. This includes the flight line, start up and ramada areas.
- No high speed passes are allowed over the runway including low level approaches from the north and towards the pilot stations, unless part of a published aerobatic sequence required for competition. Touch and go’s, practice approaches or missed approaches are allowed over the runway.
- Use the start-up area to start engines prior to flight.
- No starting of engines south of the safety fence (sidewalks, grass area & ramada) except for helicopters in the helicopter pad or use of the engine break-in area.
- No taxiing in the start-up area or south of the safety fence. All taxiing must be north of the white line at the front edge of the pilot stations.
- When starting aircraft the use of the plane restraints or a helper is mandatory.
- When three or more aircraft are in the air at the same time, spotters are required for all pilots at the pilot stations.
- Pilot stations must be used for all flying including helicopter and electric aircraft operations. Exceptions: helicopter hovering and small 3D electrics (see 10 & 11). In addition, if only one pilot is practicing 3D, the pilot and spotter may stand on the runway but must return to the pilot station if another pilot announces flight intentions.
- No 3D flying is allowed directly in front of the pilot stations when other aircraft are flying.
- Flying of small electric 3D type aircraft may be performed from either end of the pilot station area over the dirt regions adjacent to the pilot position, assuming the area is free of other activities. The AMA 25 foot rule must be observed.
- The helicopter pad is for helicopter hovering only. Helicopters will follow the same restrictions as required for all aircraft including 3D operations.
- Flyers must notify other flyers of their intentions, e.g. taking off, landing, dead stick, etc. MAKE SURE THEY HEAR!!!!
- Dead stick landings have priority over all flight operations.
- No over flight of the rocketry area at any time during posted launches.
- Any unsafe flying will be determined by one of the TIMPA Safety Officers and the pilot will be informed and may be expelled from the field. All TIMPA Board Members are considered Safety Officers.
- Special scheduled events will have priority over routine flying.
- Turbine pilots must have current AMA waivers in their possession and must have spotters at all times.
- When turbine powered jets are flying, all other types of aircraft should remain grounded.
- Pulse jet powered aircraft are not allowed at any time.
- All aircraft must comply with current TIMPA noise control requirements. Violators will be grounded until their aircraft is in compliance.

- When special aircraft are flying, such as turbines and giant scale, all other aircraft should remain grounded, or their pilots should be extremely aware of any potential dangers and take appropriate action. It is also requested that flying of special aircraft be limited so that routine flying will not be unnecessarily restricted.
- When two or more aircraft are in the air, all aircraft should follow the same right or left hand pattern, depending on the established takeoff direction at that time. Responsibility for any mid-air that occurs because of a violation of this policy rests with the offending pilot and may include financial restitution.
- When finished flying please bring aircraft and starting equipment to the south of the safety fence when numerous flyers are present, pilots and callers are to return south of the safety fence.
- Use the engine break-in area for extended carburetor adjustment and break-in. Extended high speed engine run-up directly behind other pilots is both discourteous and dangerous.
- Flying alone is strongly discouraged. Another person should always be available in case of an emergency.
- Please help us keep the field clean and place all trash in trash cans. Do not overfill the trash cans. If discarded aircraft or boxes do not fit completely in the trash can, take them home with you. DO NOT LEAVE THEM AT THE FIELD.
- When fueling aircraft on the tables under the ramada, use an overflow container to prevent spills. Spilled fuel must be cleaned up to prevent damage to the tables.
- When fueling aircraft in the aircraft startup area care must be taken to not over saturate the area with fuel from overflow.